Formation – Armée Nationale Somalienne (N°227.104)

Prestation de fournitures

Publié le 07/05/2024




By submitting its bid, the Tenderer accepts the entirety, without restriction, of the general and specific conditions ruling this contract, as being the sole basis of this bidding procedure, and declares to renounce to its own terms of conditions of sale, whatever they may be.

Bidders are deemed to have carefully reviewed and complied with all forms, instructions, contractual provisions and specifications contained in this bidding documents package.

These instructions to bidders define the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of contracts within the framework of this call for tenders.

The documents package of this call for tenders is constituted as follows:

  • Supply Contract Notice, reference 227.103;
  • Instructions to bidders, reference 227.104;
  • Draft supply contract, reference 227.105;
  • Technical specifications, reference 227.106;
  • Non-disclosure agreement (to be returned completed);
  • Financial Offer form (to be returned completed);
  • Due diligence questionnaire (to be returned completed);
  • Compliance matrix, reference 227.109 (to be returned completed);
  • Evaluation grid, reference 227.107.


1. Services to be provided

The purpose of this contract is the acquisition and delivery to the Somali National Army of 7.62×39 mm ammunition with steel core for training purposes.

The expected services and deliverables are the following:

  • Manufacture of 7.62×39 mm ammunition with steel core;
  • Packaging of the manufactured ammunition;
  • Storage, if necessary, of the packaged ammunition;
  • First delivery of packaged 7.62×39 mm ammunition to Mogadishu;
  • Second delivery of packaged 7.62×39 mm ammunition to Mogadishu.



2. Eligibility and rule of origin

Participation in the project is open to legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping – solidarity consortium – of tenderers). Legal persons cannot find themselves in any of the exclusion situations mentioned in point 4 of the Supply Contract Notice reference 227.103 and must fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in point 4 of this same Notice.

3. Equipments Origin

The supplier declares that the products comply in all respects with Common Position 2008/944/CFSP where the supplies proposed in the bid include equipment listed in the European Union’s Common Military List. The equipment on this list must only come from one of the following eligible countries, and may only be supplied by a supplier or subcontractor whose nationality is that of one of the following eligible countries/organizations: EU Member States, international organizations, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Ukraine.


4. Lots

This invitation to tender is not divided into lots.


5. Currency

Bids must be made in Euros, excluding tax.

6. Situations of exclusion

To be accepted, the offers must be provided in a format that can be read with standard Microsoft Office tools and must be accompanied by or comply with the following elements:

  • The certificate of vigilance issued by the relevant collection agency, which states in particular that your company is up to date with all social obligations;
  • A description of the organization for the product warranty in accordance with the general conditions of the supply contract;
  • The professional liability insurance certificate;
  • A supplier declaration that the products and services offered in the bid are not under the ITAR regime [1];
  • A supplier declaration that the products offered in the bid fully comply with the requirements of article 3 of this Instruction;
  • A document detailing the export licensing process and the related schedule;
  • Signed Non disclosure agreement;
  • Completed and signed due diligences questionnaire;
  • Certificate of non-admission to receivership proceedings;
  • Confirmation of no presence on EU sanctions list;
  • Acceptance of the draft contract (Document 227.105) including any reservations in accordance;
  • Completed and signed Unit Price Schedule;
  • Dated and signed by any person with authority to submit the tender;
  • Demonstration of technical, professional and financial capacity (cf. documents required by the specifications and in the compliance matrix).

7. Possibilities of subcontracting


8. Performance bond


9. Information meeting and/or site visit



10.  Validity period

Each Bidder remains bound by its tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline for the submission of tenders set forth in paragraph 16.3 below.

11. Language of offers

Tenders, correspondence and documents exchanged between the tenderer and DCI must be in the French or English language.

12. Task Implementation Period 

The Contract shall come into force on the date of its signature by the last party. It will remain in force until the full fulfillment of all of the contractor’s obligations.



13. Tender content

All tenders submitted must comply with the requirements set out in the tender documents and include in particular:

  • Part 1: the technical offer:

The detailed description of the goods supplied in accordance with the technical specifications, including the required documentation, and including warranty conditions. The duly completed compliance matrix is also part of this technical offer.

  • Part 2: the financial and schedule offer:

A financial offer, calculated on a DDP basis[2] for the goods delivered and the requested schedule of deliveries.

Moreover, as deliveries will actually depend on external prerequisites that are not under DCI control, bidders are required to provide in their offer the maximum delivery time (in calendar days) they would commit to upon DCI delivery request.

  • Part 3: Administrative documentation:

Must be provided in a format that can be read with standard Microsoft Office tools and as described in article 6 above.

14. Rating Criteria

Criteria Rating weight
Technical Completeness of the compliance matrix and justifications provided 5%
Quality Plan & Production Quality management 20%
Schedule Ability to perform a first delivery in September 2024 5%
Responsiveness to delivery schedules: maximum time needed to deliver upon DCI request 10%
Ability to deliver (Incoterms DDP) at the GDTC compound 20%
Price Ammunition quantity that can be acquired for 700,000 €, taking into account storage and 2 air deliveries (Incoterms DDP) to Mogadishu airport 40%


15. How do I obtain the tender dossier

On the website in the following section: Projects / Call for tenders:

Documents 227.103 (Supply Contract Notice), 227.105 (Draft contract), 227.106 (technical specifications), 227.107 (Evaluation grid ) and 227.109 (Compliance matrix) shall be disclosed via our Kiteworks platform after signing the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

To complete the NDA, please contact:

16.  Submission of offers

  • 16.1: Tenders must be received before the deadline specified in paragraph 16.3 below. They must include all the documents specified in paragraph 13 above and be submitted on DCI’s secure platform. Bids must comply with the following conditions:
  • 16.2: All offers must be electronically deposited on the DCI server (access request to be made to Mr. Eric MICHEL:
  • 16.3:  All offers must be received by DCI before June 24th, 2024 at 13:00 Paris time, deadline date and time.
  • 16.4:  All offers, including annexes, as well as supporting documents must be submitted in the form of three files (one technical, one financial and one administrative) containing the contract reference 227.105.
  • 16.5: Any modification or withdrawal of the submitted bid must be submitted before the deadline specified in paragraph 16.3, under the same conditions as indicated above.

17. Opening of offers

  • 17.1 Bids will be opened on June 24th, 2024 at 14:00 Paris time at DCI’s offices by the committee designated for this purpose.
  • 17.2: Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the evaluation committee in the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids or to obtain information on the progress of the procedure or to influence DCI in its decision relating to the award of the contract shall result in immediate rejection of its offer, non-exclusive of legal proceedings.

18. Language of proceedings

French or English.

19. Legal basis

The tender and contract shall be governed by French law.

20. Additional information before the deadline for submission of tenders

Tenderers may send their questions in writing to the following email address no later than four (4) calendar days before the deadline for submission of tenders, with mention to the publication reference and the title of the contract:

Mr. Quang VU /

DCI has no obligation to provide clarifications after this date.

All questions and clarifications will be posted by DCI on DCI’s website at the following address:

Potential bidders seeking to arrange one-to-one meetings with DCI during the bidding period may be excluded from the bidding process.
